Staying Healthy in the Digital Era

Trabalho de Sandra Emmerich e Cintia NascimentoAlunas Nowadays, in this digital era, more and more people keep trying to be healthier. Because of this technological revolution everyone often loses focus. Technology makes people sit for hours and this lack of movement can significantly compromise health and cause a series

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The Most Famous Universities Around The World

Trabalho de Lorena FernandesAluna ViaEnglish.comTeacher Herman Junior Through out the years we have known a lot of universities around the world and in this text we will know more information about them, their curiosities and the five best ones. When talking about the best ones, the US and the UK universities

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The evolution of clocks

Text by ViaEnglish student Claudiney OliveiraTeacher Herman Junior The evolution of clocks If you were born before the 1990s, you probably might have seen your father or maybe your grandfather set their watches as they listen to the radio, it was usual. Nowadays, it’s something that doesn’t catch anybody’s attention. In

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Cristiano Ronaldo, life and success

Text by ViaEnglish student Rafael RayanTeacher Herman Junior Cristiano Ronaldo, life and success Cristiano is son of a cook, Maria Dolores dos Santos and a municipal gardener, Jose Dinis Aveiro. He didn’t have the best financial conditions, but since he was young he had an initial interest in football. At age 17,

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The Zero Conditional:(if + present simple, … present simple)If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils. The First Conditional:(if + present simple, … will + infinitive)If it rains tomorrow, we’ll go to the cinema. The Second Conditional:(if + past simple, … would + infinitive)If I had a lot of

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