The ViaEnglish

The ViaEnglish.com was created. was founded in Brazil by the educator and entrepreneur Herman Junior who added to his experience of living in English speaking countries a vast experience in the area of language teaching, coordination and direction of language schools.

Herman Junior specialized himself in teaching people in small groups and individually and from his success in this area ViaEnglish.com was created..

We only work with successful and experienced professionals in the area of language teaching. Professionals who believe that speaking a foreign language can be a funny and useful experience nowadays, but above all, we like what we do and make valuable each second with our students to help them in this important task of getting into the international market and to become real world citizens..


Our Mission

Transform our student’s lives by offering a global view of their daily routine and of the way they interact with others around the world. We aim at going beyond the language teaching and the means for them to become proficient. The language transforms and approaches people.

Our Vision

We believe that in a globalized world where the interaction has broken down the borders among countries, it is necessary to be ready to be more than just your country’s citizen. It’s important to become a citizen of the world and be prepared for challenges wherever they may appear.

Our Values

Honesty above all else. Commitment to our students. Focus on results e total dedication to the development of citizens of the world.